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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Mining
Results 1 - 5 of 5
Working Lives: A Musical History of Labour and Enterprise in British Columbia
From the To the Teacher section: "Working Lives is an integrated, cross-curricular, multi-level resource package with materials focusing on the economic history of B.C. during the province?s fir...
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BC Explorers: A Digital History of the Pacific Northwest
Douglas Dunn created this site "to allow individuals to share information about some of the historic and interesting sites in the Pacific Northwest." The site includes digitized content from various h...
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Ladysmith & District Historical Society
According to the About page, "The Ladysmith and District Historical Society was incorporated as a 'not for profit society' in 1999. Its purpose is to preserve the heritage of the town of Ladysmith....
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Slumach, A Web site for all who prefer facts over fiction
Summary from the front page: "This site is about an elderly Native man known as Slumach who once lived where the Pitt River flows out of Pitt Lake. In 1891 he was hanged in New Westminster for the mur...
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Fort Steele Heritage Town
Fort Steele Heritage Town is operated by the provincial government as a heritage attraction. In addition to functioning as a living museum, Fort Steele maintains its own research archives. The Web sit...
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