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Classification is Archives -- Canada -- British Columbia -- Databases
Results 1 - 8 of 8
Historical Chinese Language Materials in British Columbia: An Electronic Inventory
A catalogue with some digitized samples of Chinese language historical records preserved in British Columbia. From the About page (2003-03-07): "In response to the growing interest of researchers and ...
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Heritage Burnaby: Personal History, Collective Memory
Heritage Burnaby brings together in one virtual location "all of the community assets, heritage services and historic collections managed by the City of Burnaby, British Columbia." As of its launch in...
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The Chinese Experience in British Columbia, 1850-1950
This site integrates source material on the Chinese in British Columbia from the University of British Columbia's Chung Collection and the City of Vancouver Archives Yip family and Yip Sang Ltd. fonds...
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Anglican Church Archives Network in British Columbia
This Web site provides access to descriptions of Anglican Church archival records in British Columbia via the British Columbia Archival Union List.
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Canadian North West Archival Network
This site features an integrated database of archival records in Alberta, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory.
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British Columbia Archives
The British Columbia Archives is the provincial government's central archives, as well as an archives for private records of provincial significance. Check here for access to the visual records databa...
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British Columbia Archival Union List
"The British Columbia Archival Union List (BCAUL) provides access to descriptions of records held at 171 publicly-accessible archives in BC."
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British Columbia Archival Information Network
The Archives Association of British Columbia (AABC) maintains this gateway to archival information in British Columbia and the rest of Canada. The principal resources here are the British Columbia Arc...
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