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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Regional-Community-Urban History -- British Columbia -- Lower Mainland-Fraser Valley-Yale
Results 11 - 20 of 25
Historic Photos, 1890-1950
Reproduced from the original negatives, or from the only known surviving prints, this site by Dudley Booth contains digitized photographs by BC photographers or taken in BC by visiting photographers, ...
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Home History Research Services
James C. Johnstone's business as a home history researcher based in Vancouver, B.C. The site includes links to other heritage related resources, and brief histories of a few homes he researched.
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Onderdonk's Way
A virtual exhibit curated by Roger H. Boulet for the Kamloops Art Gallery, Onderdonk's Way "features the archival photographs documenting one of the most remarkable engineering feats in Canada's histo...
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Deep Cove Heritage Society
Web site of the Deep Cove Heritage Society.
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Vancouver's Golden Years, 1900-1910: Photographs by Philip Timms
This Canada's Digital Collection by the Vancouver Public Library describes the kinds of photographs taken of the City of Vancouver by photographer Phillip Timms (1874-1973), along with biographical in...
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The Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge
Originally published in 1998, this Heritage resources inventory for the District of Maple Ridge was revised in 2001 for the Internet edition.
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The Children of Fort Langley
The Children of Fort Langley traces the descendants of Fort Langley employees, and contains many valuable links to resources pertaining to the fur trade period.
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City of Richmond Archives
The City of Richmond Archives contains databases describing archival records, including special search interfaces for photographs and maps. The maps are available for viewing or downloading as Adobe A...
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The Leonard Frank Photograph Collection
This Canada's Digital Collection by the Vancouver Public Library describes the kinds of photographs taken by photographer Leonard Frank (1870-1944), along with biographical information about the photo...
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British Columbia Through the Camera Lens of Philip Timms
This Canada's Digital Collection by the Vancouver Public Library is phase two of a project to digitize all the Philip Timms photographs in its collections. Phase one is titled Vancouver's Golden Years...
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