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Subject is Doukhobors--British Columbia--History
Results 1 - 4 of 4
Mystery Quests
Utilizing documentary information presented in the various Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canada History Web sites, Mystery Quests provides another approach to utilizing the wealth of historical resource...
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Explosion on the Kettle Valley Line: The Death of Peter Verigin
This Web site explores the mystery of an explosion on a Canadian Pacific Railway train on October 29, 1924 that killed the Doukhobor leader Peter Verigin in British Columbia.
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The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement
This Library and Archives Canada site introduces the settlement of Canada by selected Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations representative of various parts of the country. The site includes educat...
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Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History
Project summary: "The overall goal of this project is to create 13 websites, each an archives of primary historical documents about a different unsolved mystery in Canadian history. Each will be an a...
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