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Subject is Chinese--British Columbia--History
Results 1 - 8 of 8
Across the Generations: A History of the Chinese in Canada
This Canada's Digital Collections site traces the history of Chinese settlement in Canada, beginning with the immigrants' experiences in British Columbia.
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150 Years in Golden Mountain: In Celebration of 150 Years of Chinese Achievements in Canada
The Victoria Chinese Commerce Association established August 8, 2008 (08/08/08), "an auspicious triple 8", as the date to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first Chinese to settle in British Colu...
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The Chinese Experience in British Columbia, 1850-1950
This site integrates source material on the Chinese in British Columbia from the University of British Columbia's Chung Collection and the City of Vancouver Archives Yip family and Yip Sang Ltd. fonds...
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Kootenay, An Exploration of Historic Prejudice and Intolerance
An examination of racial prejudice and intolerance in the Kootenay region through the evidence of archival records, supported by contextual resources such as artifacts and digitized photographs. Alter...
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Yin and Yang: Chinatown Past and Present
Based on the book Saltwater City: An Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver by Paul Yee (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1988), this Knowledge Network site includes a condensed, illustr...
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Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia
Founded in 2004 and based in Vancouver, the society promotes the study and public knowledge about Chinese Canadian contributions to the history and development of British Columbia.
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Chinese-Canadian Genealogy
A research guide by the Vancouver Public Library and members of the Chinese-Canadian community, on investigating Chinese family history.
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The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement
This Library and Archives Canada site introduces the settlement of Canada by selected Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations representative of various parts of the country. The site includes educat...
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