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Audience is Undergraduate
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Virtual Victoria 1891: View from the Steeple
Making use of a 1891 panoramic photograph taken from the steeple of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Victoria, this Web site combines census, business directory, and other historical data with computer techn...
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Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History
Project summary: "The overall goal of this project is to create 13 websites, each an archives of primary historical documents about a different unsolved mystery in Canadian history. Each will be an a...
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Canada's Digital Collections
Canada's Digital Collections was one of the largest sources of Canadian content on the Internet. More than 600 collections were available and created under the Government of Canada's Youth Employment ...
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Victoria's Victoria
Victoria's Victoria is 'a project of the History department at the University of Victoria in partnership with the Provincial Archives of British Columbia [BC Archives] and other local archives. It is ...
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H-Grad Grad-Link
This Web site contains links pertaining to history teaching in post-secondary institutions. Graduate students in history with their own Web pages can register them.
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Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest
Based at the University of Washington, Seattle, the Center includes links to online articles from Pacific Northwest Quarterly, curriculum materials for secondary school teachers, course materials for ...
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Simon Fraser University, Department of History
The History Department at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
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University College of the Cariboo, Department of Philosophy, History and Politics
The Department of Philosophy, History and Politics at the University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, offers a Bachelor Arts degree with a major in history.
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Okanagan University College, History Department
"The Department of History [Okanagan University College, Kelowna] offers a Major and a Minor in History and a General Degree with a History Concentration, . It also offers, in conjunction with other d...
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The Homeroom: British Columbia's History of Education Website
"The Homeroom is a gateway to information about the history of education and schools in British Columbia."
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