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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Transportation -- Water
Results 1 - 8 of 8
Graveyard of the Pacific: The Shipwrecks of Vancouver Island
A Virtual Museum of Canada Web site jointly produced by the Maritime Museum of British Columbia, the Museum at Campbell River, the Vancouver Maritime Museum and the Underwater Archaeological Society o...
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19th-Century American Merchant Marine Digital Library
Created by the Mystic Seaport Museum, this digital library consists of bibliographies, maritime documents and history, essays, a timeline, maritime legislation, and ship and yacht registers that can b...
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Working Lives: A Musical History of Labour and Enterprise in British Columbia
From the To the Teacher section: "Working Lives is an integrated, cross-curricular, multi-level resource package with materials focusing on the economic history of B.C. during the province?s fir...
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Maritime Museum of British Columbia
The Maritime Museum of British Columbia, housed in the former Court House in Bastion Square designed by H.O. Tiedemann and opened in 1889, relocated to this structure in 1965. The museum houses artifa...
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Kalakala, the World's First Streamlined Vessel
Describes the history and restoration of the Art Deco ferry Kalakala that ran in Puget Sound, and also between Seattle and Victoria. The vessel was launched in 1935 and was retired as a Washington Sta...
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SS Moyie National Historic Site
The SS Moyie National Historic Site in Kaslo commemorates the sternwheeler Moyie, built in Nelson in 1898, and her role in the daily transportation of individuals and goods across Kootenay Lake. The V...
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Samson V Maritime Museum
Owned by the City of New Westminster and operated by the Royal Agricultural and Industrial Society of British Columbia, the Samson V was a snag-puller along the Fraser River. The Web site for the Sams...
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Granville Island Model Ships Museum
The Granville Island Model Ships Museum celebrates the maritime history of British Columbia at a miniature scale.
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