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Classification is Chronologies and Datelines -- North America -- Canada -- British Columbia
Results 11 - 15 of 15
The History of Metropolitan Vancouver
This Web site publicizes the development of local historian Chuck Davis' book scheduled for publication in 2007 by Harbour Publishing and titled The History of Metropolitan Vancouver. Site features in...
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Virtual Museum of the Kootenays
A project initiated by the Nelson Museum in 2003, other museums and archives are involved in presenting various aspects of Kootenay history. The site includes a "Kootenay chronology before cities."
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Moodyville, A Lost Community
A Macromedia Flash-enabled presentation on the history of Moodyville, the earliest White settlement on the north shore of Burrard Inlet where the City of North Vancouver now exists. The site includes ...
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Canadian Pacific Railway Archives
The Canadian Pacific Railway Archives in Montreal, Quebec, includes a gallery of historical photographs, artwork, a history of the CPR, and a CPR timeline.
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Chilliwack History
A presentation about the history of the Chilliwack area. Includes a timeline and image gallery.
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BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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