(23 resources)

Classification Classifications
The Island of the Unclean: Race, Colonialism and Chinese Leprosy in British Columbia, 1891-1924
Refereed article that "explores the links between race, health, and nation through the making of D'Arcy Island, Canada's first and only Chinese leper colony. Located in Haro Strait, off the coast of V...
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The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement
This Library and Archives Canada site introduces the settlement of Canada by selected Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations representative of various parts of the country. The site includes educat...
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Yin and Yang: Chinatown Past and Present
Based on the book Saltwater City: An Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver by Paul Yee (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1988), this Knowledge Network site includes a condensed, illustr...
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