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Vancouver's Golden Years, 1900-1910: Photographs by Philip Timms
This Canada's Digital Collection by the Vancouver Public Library describes the kinds of photographs taken of the City of Vancouver by photographer Phillip Timms (1874-1973), along with biographical in...
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Campbell River Genealogy Society
On November 5th 2002, the Campbell River Genealogy Club became the Campbell River Genealogy Society. The Web site includes transcripts of the 1901 Canadian Census.
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Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Online edition of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, published in hardcopy by the University of Toronto Press.
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Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History
Project summary: "The overall goal of this project is to create 13 websites, each an archives of primary historical documents about a different unsolved mystery in Canadian history. Each will be an a...
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Imperial War Museum Collections On-line Database
Database Overview: "The Imperial War Museum's Collections On-line database currently contains over 58,000 records relating to items in the collections. It is not a complete set of records of all the m...
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The Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge
Originally published in 1998, this Heritage resources inventory for the District of Maple Ridge was revised in 2001 for the Internet edition.
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Deep Cove Heritage Society
Web site of the Deep Cove Heritage Society.
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"A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in women in British Columbia, Canada."
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National Aboriginal Documents Database
Contains a range of full-text documents relating to Canadian Aboriginal land claims issues. The documents can be browsed by category or searched by keyword.
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BC BookWorld Author Bank
The BC BookWorld Author, hosted by Simon Fraser University Library on behalf of BC BookWorld contains biographical and publication data relating to living and...
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