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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Labour
Results 1 - 6 of 6
In Their Words: The Story of the BC Packers
Produced in conjunction with the Richmond Museum for the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Culture Online, this Web site tells the story of the men and women who worked for BC Packers Ltd, a...
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Working Lives: A Musical History of Labour and Enterprise in British Columbia
From the To the Teacher section: "Working Lives is an integrated, cross-curricular, multi-level resource package with materials focusing on the economic history of B.C. during the province?s fir...
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Onderdonk's Way
A virtual exhibit curated by Roger H. Boulet for the Kamloops Art Gallery, Onderdonk's Way "features the archival photographs documenting one of the most remarkable engineering feats in Canada's histo...
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Rolf Knight: Manuscripts
This site contains downloadable copies of Rolf Knight's books in Adobe Acrobat PDF and Microsoft Word formats.
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Settlers' Effects: Environmental, Cultural and Social Change, 1805-1972
Developed by the Exploration Place at the Fraser-Fort George Regional Museum (Prince George), this virtual exhibit looks at Euro-Canadian settlement and relations with First Nations in four communitie...
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Salmon on the Skeena
Illustrates and describes the importance of the salmon fishery on the Skeena River to the First Nations and white entrepreneurs, including salmon cannery operators, between 7000 BC and 1920 AD.
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BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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