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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Economic -- Fur Trade
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Simon Fraser, the Birth of British Columbia
A three-part illustrated online account published by the Vancouver Sun newspaper and written by Stephen Hume to provide background to readers on the exploratory work of Simon Fraser whose bicen...
Full Record
North American David Thompson Bicentennials
The North American David Thompson Bicentennials site offers a variety of information about the great Canadian explorer whose 200th anniversary of travels from east to west and north to south is being ...
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The Chinook Jargon: Trading Pidgin of Northwest Indians and Pioneers
A comprehensive resource, including links to online texts or digital facsimiles of historic Chinook jargon word lists, dictionaires, and more recent publications such as Tenas Wawa: The Chinook Jargon...
Full Record
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