(22 resources)

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John Davidson, the Legacy of a Canadian Botanist
Part of the Virtual Museum of Canada, this detailed virtual looks at the life of John (Botany John) Davidson (1878?1970), a Canadian botanist and educator. Among his most important accomplishments wer...
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Library of Congress
The Library of Congress serves as the national library of the United States of America. Special Web sites containing resources specific to British Columbia are found in the American Memory Digital Lib...
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Meeting of Frontiers
"Meeting of Frontiers is a bilingual, multimedia English-Russian digital library that tells the story of the American exploration and settlement of the West, the parallel exploration and settlement of...
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Our Roots: Canada's Local History Online
'Our Roots/Nos Racines: Canada's Local Histories brings Canadian history to life, reflecting the breadth and depth of our country's heritage. Canada's diverse landscapes, resources and people have all...
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R.E. Gosnell's Digital Year Book of British Columbia and Manual of Provincial Information, 1901-2001
The Digital Year Book of British Columbia, 1901-2001 is a hypertext representation of the original publication, The Year Book of British Columbia, and Manual of Provincial Information, first published...
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Rolf Knight: Manuscripts
This site contains downloadable copies of Rolf Knight's books in Adobe Acrobat PDF and Microsoft Word formats.
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Teit-Boas Digitization Project
A Canada's Digital Collections site, this project by students at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology contains transcripts of works by amateur ethnographer James Alexander Teit, along with corres...
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The Canadian Encyclopedia Online
The Canadian Encyclopedia Online, published by McClelland & Stewart, contains the full-text of the hardcopy/CD-ROM versions available and updated since 1985 when it was first published by Hurtig Publ...
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The Chinook Jargon: Trading Pidgin of Northwest Indians and Pioneers
A comprehensive resource, including links to online texts or digital facsimiles of historic Chinook jargon word lists, dictionaires, and more recent publications such as Tenas Wawa: The Chinook Jargon...
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The Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge
Originally published in 1998, this Heritage resources inventory for the District of Maple Ridge was revised in 2001 for the Internet edition.
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