(22 resources)

Classification Classifications
102nd Canadian Infantry BN CEF
The 102nd Canadian Infantry BN CEF Web site appears to be a transcript of a book written by Sergeant Leonard McLeod Gould, a Victoria journalist. The Web site is supplemented by images, a special page...
Full Record
American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library
"American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 historical...
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American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920
American Notes: Travels in America, 1750-1920 comprises 253 published narratives by Americans and foreign visitors recounting their travels in the colonies and the United States and their observations...
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Arctic Blue Books Online
A "searchable, World-Wide Web version of Andrew Taylor's unique index to the 19th Century British Parliamentary Papers concerned with the Canadian Arctic." The full-text of the Arctic Blue Books are a...
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Canada in the Making
Educational resource developed by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions as part of its Early Canadiana Online Web site. Canada in the Making uses digital facsimiles of government do...
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Canadian Military History Gateway
"The Canadian Military History Gateway is an online service providing access to Websites and digitized resources about Canada?s military history. The Gateway was developed by the Department of Natio...
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Champlain Society Digital Collection
Formerly available through Early Canadiana Online, the Champlain Society withdrew online availability via ECO and provides direct access through a Web server at the University of Toronto Library. As o...
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City of Richmond Archives
The City of Richmond Archives contains databases describing archival records, including special search interfaces for photographs and maps. The maps are available for viewing or downloading as Adobe A...
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Early Canadiana Online
Early Canadiana Online is a full-text, keyword searchable, or browsable, digital library based on the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM) collection of pre-1900 published Canad...
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Elections BC
From its front page: "A non-partisan, independent Office of the Legislature, Elections BC is responsible for administering the electoral process in B.C. This includes provincial general elections and...
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