(24 resources)

Classification Classifications
Socialist History Project
From the About page: "The purpose of the Socialist History Project is to make available key documents, manifestos, reminiscences and essays, by and about the revolutionary socialist movement in Canada...
Full Record
The Canadian Encyclopedia Online
The Canadian Encyclopedia Online, published by McClelland & Stewart, contains the full-text of the hardcopy/CD-ROM versions available and updated since 1985 when it was first published by Hurtig Publ...
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The Digital Domain: Selected Internet Resources for the Study of British Columbia
An Internet/Web bibliography compiled by David Mattison for BC Studies and published on an irregular basis.
Full Record
The Nineteenth Century
"The Nineteenth Century is a thirty-year publishing programme which reproduces on microfiche a significant proportion of English-language works first published between 1801-1900. The Programme is situ...
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