Title: Early Images of Canada: Illustrations from Rare Books
Alternate Title: Images anciennes du Canada: Illustrations tir?es des livres rares

Description: "This website hosts 550 searchable images (mostly engravings) from the Library and Archives Canada's Rare Book Collection. All of the images are taken from books, often exploration or missionary narratives, published before the year 1800. These particular images have been selected because they depict geography that is now part of Canada or events that are significant in Canadian history."

Url: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/earlyimages/
Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Coverage: Canada
Date Issued: 2002-11-08
Date Of Record Creation: 2003-05-05 21:49:57
Date Record Checked: 2003-05-05
Date Last Modified: 2004-04-19 21:33:24
Publisher: Library and Archives Canada
Subject: Canada--Pictorial works
Classification: Exhibitions Online -- Canada
Images Online -- Art
Resource Type: Image
Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Lifelong Learner
Format: HTML
BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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