Title: Women's History Network of British Columbia

Description: "The Women's History Network of British Columbia, Canada is a broadly based not- for-profit society that exists to celebrate the contributions women have made to the history of the province. Composed of women who research, discuss, write about and care about women's history, it provides opportunities for networking and for sharing information. The Network includes as members archivists, teachers, professors, writers, genealogists, students and others interested in the field of women's history. The Network is committed to inclusivity with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, region, religion, and ability. ... WHN/BC holds a conference each year, and supports the initiatives of members and others interested in promoting women's history. WHN/BC is now a provincially registered non-profit society, (incorporated in 1996), and is an associate member of the B.C. Historical Federation."

Url: http://www.members.shaw.ca/whnbc
Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Coverage: Canada--British Columbia
Email Address: whnbc@shaw.ca
Date Issued: 2004-03-24
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-04-06 19:22:28
Date Record Checked: 2004-04-06
Date Last Modified: 2004-04-06 19:22:29
Publisher: Women's History Network of British Columbia
Subject: Women--British Columbia--History
Classification: Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Women
Resource Type: Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Lifelong Learner
Format: HTML
BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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