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Subject is Murder
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We Do Not Know His Name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War
This Web site examines through transcriptions and digital facsimiles of archival documents, modern interpretations, including contributions by the Tsilhqot'in people, and educational resources, the ki...
Full Record
Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History
Project summary: "The overall goal of this project is to create 13 websites, each an archives of primary historical documents about a different unsolved mystery in Canadian history. Each will be an a...
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Who Killed William Robinson?: Race, Justice, and Settling the Land: A Historic Whodunnit
Created by history professors Ruth Sandwell and John Lutz, this Web site recreates the events surrounding the 1868 murder of William Robinson, a Black settler on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. ...
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SQL Statement: SELECT * FROM APSessions WHERE SessionId = '568726924'
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