"The Calverley Collection represents half a lifetime of dedicated work by the late Dorthea Horton Calverley of Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Mrs. Calverley set out to bring together, in an organized...
Several years after a report by former National Archives of Canada moving image archivist Sam Kula to locate and identify all surviving World War One footage depicting Canadian operations, the Nationa...
Part of the Virtual Museum of Canada, this detailed virtual looks at the life of John (Botany John) Davidson (1878?1970), a Canadian botanist and educator. Among his most important accomplishments wer...
Web site of University of Northern British Columbia professor of anthropology and First Nations Studies, Dr. James Andrew McDonald, who is also a participant in the Kitsumkalum Social History Research...
From the About page: "The purpose of the Socialist History Project is to make available key documents, manifestos, reminiscences and essays, by and about the revolutionary socialist movement in Canada...
Refereed article that "explores the links between race, health, and nation through the making of D'Arcy Island, Canada's first and only Chinese leper colony. Located in Haro Strait, off the coast of V...