Title: Margaret Ormsby Scholarships

Description: "In 1993, a group of graduate students, assisted by the British Columbia Heritage Trust and other historically minded supporters, created the Margaret Ormsby Scholarship project. A fund for donations was established in support of scholarships which celebrate and recognize Dr. Ormsby's contributions, ensuring that the work she pioneered continues. To this end, in 1997 the group officially established the charitable organization called The Society for the Promotion of B.C. History. The scholarships' fund is adminstered by an Executive Committee of the Society, and is joined by a growing number of committed volunteers in raising an endowment sufficient to annually fund the Margaret Ormsby Scholarship Program. Contributions are tax deductible. The Margaret Ormsby Doctoral Scholarship in British Columbia History will be awarded annually to a promising scholar commencing a doctorate in any aspect of British Columbia history including: the histories of aboriginal people, immigrants and women; art history, historical geography, historical sociology; and the history of education.

The scholarships will be awarded to Canadians at any university. And, to encourage a broader understanding of our history, the Margaret Ormsby Prize for the Best Essay in British Columbia History will be available to students at the university colleges in Kamloops, Kelowna, Abbotsford/Chilliwack and Nanaimo."

Url: http://www3.sympatico.ca/susan_neylan/bc_history/index.html
Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Email Address: sneylan@wlu.ca
Date Issued: 1999-01-01
Date Of Record Creation: 2002-12-07 16:10:25
Date Record Checked: 2002-12-07
Date Last Modified: 2002-12-07 16:10:25
Publisher: Society for the Promotion of British Columbia History
Creator: Neylan, Susan
Classification: Academic / Educational -- Canada -- British Columbia -- Scholarships, Awards and Financial Aids
Resource Type: Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Undergraduate
Format: HTML
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