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Classification is Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Regional-Community-Urban History -- British Columbia -- Vancouver Island-Gulf Islands
Results 1 - 10 of 29
The History of Oak Bay Web Site: An Online Celebration of Oak Bay's Early Years
According to the Welcome page, "This website started as the Centennial project of Gary Wilcox, author of the upcoming book, Oak Bay: The Formative Years. The mandate of the site is to collect a...
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Beyond the Map: The Explorers of the Pacific Northwest
Produced with the Maritime Museum of British Columbia for the Virtual Museum of Canada, this Web site examines the European colonization of the Pacific Northwest, the effects which it had on the First...
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Beyond Nootka: A Historical Perspective of Vancouver Island Mountains
This Web site contains selected text and illustrations about Vancouver Island mountains, climbing personalities, and individuals after whom the mountains were name that was also published in a book of...
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Royal City Music Project
This Web site documents the "history of the Victoria ... music scene between 1956-1985" through a series of databases that allow you to look up information about individual musicians and bands. You ca...
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Virtual Victoria 1891: View from the Steeple
Making use of a 1891 panoramic photograph taken from the steeple of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Victoria, this Web site combines census, business directory, and other historical data with computer techn...
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Mystery Quests
Utilizing documentary information presented in the various Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canada History Web sites, Mystery Quests provides another approach to utilizing the wealth of historical resource...
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Ladysmith & District Historical Society
According to the About page, "The Ladysmith and District Historical Society was incorporated as a 'not for profit society' in 1999. Its purpose is to preserve the heritage of the town of Ladysmith....
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Cowichan Bay, from 1850 to now ... (give or take a few years)
A history of Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island, BC, by Thomas Wagner. Also available for download as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
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Beacon Hill Park History, 1842-2008
Janis Ringuette started researching and writing this comprehensive, illustrated history of Victoria's Beacon Hill Park in 2002.
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Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria
Informally organized in 1983, the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria is a registered non-profit society whose members are "interested in the preservation of Victoria's beautiful and historic cemeterie...
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