Date Of Record Release: 2007-05-19 11:44:39
Title: Beyond the Map: The Explorers of the Pacific Northwest

Description: Produced with the Maritime Museum of British Columbia for the Virtual Museum of Canada, this Web site examines the European colonization of the Pacific Northwest, the effects which it had on the First Nations population, and the driving forces behind exploration. This site includes a multiplayer game, historical photography, video interviews and interactive flash elements.

Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Relation: Virtual Museum of Canada
Coverage: Canada--British Columbia
Date Issued: 2007-05-01
Date Of Record Creation: 2007-05-19 11:53:26
Date Record Checked: 2007-05-19
Date Last Modified: 2007-05-19 11:58:01
Publisher: Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Virtual Museum of Canada
Creator: Zero One Design
Subject: Explorers--Northwest Coast of North America
British Columbia--Discovery and exploration
Vancouver Island--History
British Columbia--History
Vancouver Island--Discovery and exploration
Classification: Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- First Nations and Metis
Chronologies and Datelines -- International
Chronologies and Datelines -- North America -- Canada -- British Columbia
Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Discovery and Exploration
Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Regional-Community-Urban History -- British Columbia -- Coastal Region
Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Regional-Community-Urban History -- British Columbia -- Northwest Region
Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Geography -- Regional-Community-Urban History -- British Columbia -- Vancouver Island-Gulf Islands
Resource Type: Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Elementary
Lifelong Learner
Format: HTML
Macromedia Flash
BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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