Title: British Columbia Museums Association

Description: "Founded in 1957 and incorporated in 1966, the British Columbia Museums Association provides a unified voice for the institutions, trustees, professional staff and volunteers of the BC museum and gallery community.

A Board elected from the membership that governs the BCMA. Councillors set policy for the Association while programs and professional staff delivers services.

The BCMA delivers a number of programs to the benefit of its members and the cultural community, including granting programs, youth work assistance, and technology support."

Url: http://www.museumsassn.bc.ca
Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Email Address: BCMA@museumsassn.bc.ca
Date Issued: 2000-01-01
Date Of Record Creation: 2002-12-07 21:05:34
Date Record Checked: 2002-12-07
Date Last Modified: 2002-12-12 23:19:38
Publisher: British Columbia Museums Association
Classification: Museums -- Canada -- British Columbia
Top Sites
Resource Type: Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Research
Format: HTML
BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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