Editing Resource Records
- Log into the portal toolkit, and then select the Metadata Tool.
If you do not see Metadata Tool as an option on the navigation bar,
make sure that you have resource editing privileges (see the portal
administrator). Any resource editor will be able to edit resource
records whenever an individual record displays the Edit button.
- Also, resource editors may use the Edit Resources option on the
Metadata Tool navigation bar to generate a list or group of
resources to edit based on specific criteria. Enter a search in one
or more of the fields including Limits. The Metadata Tool search
engine has additional searchable metadata fields available for
resource editors. The "Added by" and "Release flag" are two of these
The Metadata Tool will generate a results list of records
matching your query. The results will be displayed in a
descending order of relevance (most relevant items appear at the
top of the results). Relevance is determined through a
combination of word occurrence frequency and a weighted value of
the metadata fields being searched. Word occurrence in the Title
is the weighted the most heavily. Alternate Title, Creator,
Publisher, Classification, and Contributor are in the next lower
tier of weight values. Occurrence in the URL and Description are
given the lowest weight values.
- To view the complete database record, select a record by
clicking on the Edit button in the results list. The resource record
will open a new browser window in which to edit and update. NOTE:
Resource editors may also delete or duplicate a record by using the
buttons provided on the cataloging template. Deleting irrevocably
removes the record from the database. Duplicating produces another
copy of the resource record to speed the addition of a similar
- If you need to assign Creator, Contributor, or Publisher names
to a particular record, you will be using the names table. Start
this process by clicking on the Add More Creators or Add More
Publishers buttons. You will be prompted to search for an existing
name already in the database. Enter a name, and click on the Search
If that name matches names already existing in the Names
table, a results list will be generated and returned. Check all
the appropriate boxes, and click update. The Metadata Tool will
add all names checked to the resource record. NOTE: It is
important to remember that this table is populated by the user;
so when you begin using it, there will be no names included
(after supplied sample records are removed). As you add
records, you will be adding names and will eventually build up
the Names table.
If that name does not exist [as will be the case often when
you begin using the Metadata Tool], or none of the results are
the correct name, you may then add that name to the table. The
portal software's Metadata Tool allows for a Controlled Name and
a Variant Name. A Controlled Name is an official form of a name
applied to all records uniformly to avoid confusion or
misidentification that may impede retrieval. The Variant Name is
intended to record all other forms associated with the name
including acronyms, honorary titles, dropped initials,
diminutives, etc. Having both a Controlled Name and Variant
Names allows all records associated with this name to be linked
and also for editing easily across records. The ability to add
all variants makes it possible to retrieve those name forms when
searching for records.
- Assigning a classification to a resource record is very similar
to adding a new name, but in this case, use the Classification
Table. If your portal has less than 250 classifications a dropdown menu
will be available to chose classifications to add to the resource.
If your portal has more than 250 classifications then you must click
on the Add more Classifications button. This will bring you to a screen
where you can check all the classifications you want and then assign them
to the resource.
Broadest tier - More specific - Most
specific Or, Science - Physics - Atomic structure
- Complete/edit other metadata fields (Source, Relation, Coverage,
Rights, Email, etc.) as appropriate.
- Select Resource Type(s), Language(s), Audience(s), and Format(s)
from the drop down menus. You may select as many as appropriate. One
default term may be selected for each of these Option Fields (or any
Option type metadata field the portal administrator may add).
Default term selection is done in the Edit Option List section of
the Metadata Tool. Selecting a default will cause that term to be
highlighted in the Metadata template when adding new resource
records. Resource administrators may choose additional terms or
deselect the default term for any resource record.
- Images of .jpg, .gif, and .bmp file types may be added to the
record as an illustration or for other purposes. File selection
begins using the Browse button found to the right of field. After
selecting the image, the file name will automatically be added to
the resource record. To complete the process, click on the Upload
Image button. A small image (thumbnail) will appear within the
resource record.
Only one image may be added to each particular Screenshot
field. Additional fields are required to accommodate additional
After an image has been added to a record a Remove Image
button will appear. To remove an image already associated with a
resource record, simply click on this button. The desired image
should then be deleted from the resource record.
Portal developers are strongly encouraged to also complete
the Screenshot Description field whenever adding an image(s) to
a resource record. This field provides explanatory text for
images and graphics. According to established guidelines of
accessiblity for World Wide Web resources, images or graphics
should always provide appropriate explanatory text to insure
that the image's meaning is understood by persons using screen
reader software (generally those who are blind or with low
vision). Completing the Screenshot Description field is an easy
method to incorporate this practice into portal development
workflow without modification to HTML code.
Additionally, the Screenshot Description field provides text
that can be searched (when enabled by portal administrators) by
the Keyword, Advanced Search, and Metadata Tool search
- The Release flag is used administratively to signify whether a
record is complete and ready for 'public' viewing. If appropriate,
depending on institutional work flow and other editorial factors,
you can set the Release flag to 'approved' or 'not approved' for
- Click "Update Record button". This adds any new or edited data to the database, links it with other resources, and updates the search database. Without updating the record, new data will appear as part of the resource record, but will NOT be included in searches. The Last Modified by field is automatically completed with the log in name of the appropriate resource administrator.