(10 resources)

Classification Classifications
54th Kootenay Battalion, CEF, 1915-1919
The 54th Kootenay Battalion Web site is devoted to the history of this World War One military unit. Maintained by Patricia A. Rogers, this site won the 2000 British Columbia History Web Site Prize on ...
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BC History of Nursing Group
"Organized in 1989 under the umbrella of the Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia (RNABC), the History of Nursing Group aims to discover, disseminate, and preserve nursing history in Brit...
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British Columbia History Web Site Prize
The British Columbia Historical Federation and David Mattison, creator of The British Columbia History Internet/Web Site, jointly sponsor a yearly cash award to recognize web sites, longer than one pa...
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British Columbia License Plates: A History
Devoted to the history of British Columbia's motor vehicle license plates, the author, Christopher John Garrish, is attempting "to create a concise history of the province's license plates in both pri...
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Cassiar, Do You Remember?
"This website is devoted to keeping alive the memories of the now-closed company mining town of Cassiar, British Columbia, Canada and its former residents. ... Many Cassiarites from the 40-year histor...
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Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria
Informally organized in 1983, the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria is a registered non-profit society whose members are "interested in the preservation of Victoria's beautiful and historic cemeterie...
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Prince George Oral History Group
Congratulations to the Prince George Oral History Group on their achievement and win of the first British Columbia History Web Site Prize for 1999 that was presented at the BC Historical Federation Co...
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Samson V Maritime Museum
Owned by the City of New Westminster and operated by the Royal Agricultural and Industrial Society of British Columbia, the Samson V was a snag-puller along the Fraser River. The Web site for the Sams...
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Slumach, A Web site for all who prefer facts over fiction
Summary from the front page: "This site is about an elderly Native man known as Slumach who once lived where the Pitt River flows out of Pitt Lake. In 1891 he was hanged in New Westminster for the mur...
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The Virtual Crowsnest Highway
An illustrated traveller's guide with a historical focus to the portion of Highway 3, the Crowsnest Highway, that runs between Hope, BC, and Medicine Hat, Alberta. Access to the content is through an ...
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BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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