Date Of Record Release: 2007-05-19 14:56:44
Title: Emily Carr
Alternate Title: Vancouver Art Gallery: Emily Carr

Description: Created by the Vancouver Art Gallery for the Virtual Museum of Canada, this Web site may be the largest and most comprehensive on the artist Emily Carr (1871-1945). You will find a searchable database of her artworks held by public institutions, biographical and contextual texts, and educational resources for teachers and students.

Release Flag: OK for Viewing
Relation: Virtual Museum of Canada
Coverage: Canada--British Columbia
Date Issued: 2007-05-01
Date Of Record Creation: 2007-05-19 15:04:14
Date Record Checked: 2007-05-19
Date Last Modified: 2007-05-19 15:04:14
Publisher: Virtual Museum of Canada
Vancouver Art Gallery
Contributor: University of British Columbia, Dept. of Computer Science
Subject: Artists--British Columbia
Carr, Emily, 1871-1945
Women artists--British Columbia--History
Classification: Historical Disciplines and Subjects -- Art
Exhibitions Online -- Canada -- British Columbia
Images Online -- Databases
Images Online -- Art
Top Sites
Resource Type: Image
Interactive Resource
Language: English
Audience: Elementary
High School
Lifelong Learner
Format: HTML
Macromedia Flash
BC History Portal logo (View on C.P.R. showing four tunnels by C.S. Bailey)


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